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eyesight project laptop set on 4/17 @ Cinespace

from the good people at Modus Vidvendi Music:

by popular demand Eyesight Project is back on Sunday April 17th at Cinespace playing a one-off benefit party to raise money for a documentary about animal smuggling in Ecuador. We hope you'll join us in making this happen!

And as if you didn?t know, Eyesight Project E.P. and the rest of the Modus Vivendi catalog is now available for download at fine outlets across the web for your listening pleasure (www.beatport.com, www.streetforward.com +www.nufonix.com).

Plus, if you live in the L.A. area make sure to stop by at Amoeba Records and check out one of our beautifully packaged Eyesight Project E.Ps for sale.

Read the full entry for Event details....

Event info:
OUR SANCTUARY feat. Eyesight Project
Sunday, April 17th 2005/ 10pm
6356 Hollywood Blvd.
2nd Floor
Hollywood, CA 90028

Modus Vivendi Music